Qarbi Odoo Implementation Methodology

Qarbi committed to helping businesses successfully deploy ERP on the Odoo Enterprise platform successfully with affordability.

Maintain the Odoo system as close to its original form as possible.

Qarbi is ready to advise on options that suit the needs of customers to avoid unnecessary costs of customization.


Keep implementation costs affordable

Qarbi is responsible for implementing and deciding on designed solution to optimize time and maximize customer benefits.

Quickly deploy and transfer the Odoo platform

Deliver completed solution of all business flows and 80% of expected features just in a few weeks..

The key factors for a successful Odoo project

01. Responsibilities Performed

  • Project management: By Onnet Consulting. The top priority is to ensure the project is always on schedule with the most optimal budget.
  • Customers need to identify their business needs (Answering the “Why” and “What” questions). Then, the solution to meet these needs is determined by the way the product is used through us – Onnet Consulting (Answering “How”).
  • With the main product of Odoo implementation consulting service and related solutions, all customers’ interests are always the top priority and worth the cost.

02. The process is optimized

  • Procedures and documents are quick, convenient and accurate.
  • Decision making is a top priority.
  • Limited customization or development of specific features.
  • Effective remote-working plan, Just Onsite if needed (Training, Changing in management plans, etc.).

03. The project manager

A project manager is the key of success when deloying any projects. Onnet aims to focus on training talents experienced on project management. Moreover, top experts from Onnet Consulting, even if they are not in charge of any projects, can review and support the work of project managers at key steps (available in deployment packages).

Odoo deployment process

Onnet provides basic solutions that covers all business flows and 80% of the features expected in a few weeks and does not last up to a month.

Sales – Business Consulting

Qualification; Budget proposals; ROI & GAP Analysis; Project kick-off

Project -Implementation

Design; Validation, Training, etc.; Go Live



Functional & Technical supports​


Cost structure for Odoo implementation plans.

Onnet’s Success Pack ensures that the implementation of your Odoo project delivers the expected benefits as planned and within budget.

30-day free trial


30-day free trial


30-day free trial


30-day free trial


Support period expires within 1 year

*Travel time is included in the duration of each package. These costs will be charged separately.

**Additional fees will be added monthly for specified code customization.